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Spec Sheet
MMW 100
Millimeter Wave Transmission System
FlexWave MMW 100 is a point-to-point millimeter wave transmission system that operates in
the licensed 71GHz to 86GHz spectrum and provides fiber-speed wireless Line of Sight (LOS)
communications links within a 1 – 6 km range. The MMW 100 features a 10” lens instead of a 2’
antenna making the product suitable to mount on electric poles and any other medium without
the restrictions of high pointing stability. The MMW 100 has the largest beam width allowed by
the FCC in the 71-86 GHz band (1.2 deg.).
FlexWave MMW key features
High Availability (99.999%)•
Best-in-class link performance•
High Capacity (Full, duplex GigE performance)•
Reduced cost per bit due to the inherent cost- and data-efficiency of native Ethernet •
Same cost as microwave with but 10x higher bandwidth•
Simple & quick install•