A2.03 AdTran NetVanta 1355/6355 SIP/TDM/IP Appliance
1 Important Notes
• Check the SIP 3
Party Validation Website for current validation status. The
Part Validation Website can be viewed at:
• http://testlab.inin.com or http://testlab.vonexus.com
• It is recommended to make basic changes to the Interactive Intelligence
supplied .cfg file then utilize the command line interface for further
configuration. Not all options are exposed using the web interface.
• As this unit is a critical piece of the SIP infrastructure, it is highly
recommended that DHCP not be used. A static IP address is the preferred
method and is how the unit was configured during validation.
• While there are TCP options in the command line, they are not recommended
for use by AdTran, and were not tested.
• T.38 is supported for 4 concurrent faxes on the Digital span only. T.38 is not
supported for the FXO spans.
• When using managed phones the name of the phone in IA must match the
extension of the phone. This is required because the phone will use the name
in its registration message, and in a standalone failover scenario, the
registration name is how the AdTran device will be able to contact the other
internal stations. If something else is used, internal stations would not be
able to dial other internal stations, because the number dialed would not
match the registration entries.
2 Vendor Documentation
Documentation can be found on the CD shipped with the AdTran NetVanta
1355/6355, or on the AdTran website http://www.adtran.com.
3 Validated Firmware Version
4 Install
Download the AdTran NetVanta 1355/6355 files from the Interactive
Intelligence Testlab website for the AdTran:
Contained in the zip file will be the validated version of firmware (.biz), as
well as any supplemental configuration files, and a set of sample (.cfg)