Electrolux Super “S” Models
200 G-force Coin/Card Washers
Saves time, water, and energy.
They can even text message you!
Electrolux Professional 200 G-Force high-speed extraction washers spin faster resulting in
shorter drying time and significant electrical and gas savings. Self-service laundries benefit
from faster throughput (freeing up dryers, folding tables and parking spots) which creates
higher profits. Your customers can even receive a text message (option) notifying them
when their wash is done and ready for unloading! You’ll create life-long customers and
increase your profits with Electrolux Professional washers.
Features and benefits:
• Uniquetextmessagingfunctionality!*
- Customers can call store and get a text message instantly telling them how many
washers are available for use. Differentiate yourself from the competition!
- Washer can send text message to store owner or serviceman for instant action.
• Lowestwaterconsumptionintheindustry.
• Singlephaseelectricalservicereducesinstallationcosts.
• Inverterdrivenmotorforsmoothoperationandhighefciency.
• Newsoft-grip,slip-lockdoorhandleforsafeandtrouble-freeoperation.
• Doorunlocksimmediatelyattheendofwashcycle.
• Convenient4-compartmentsupplydispenser.
• Unibodyconstructioneliminatesweldsforsuperiorstrengthanddurability.
• Interchangeablepartsfromonemachinesizetoanother.
• Installsonregularconcretepadorsteelbasewithbolts.
Compass Control:
Electrolux’s revolutionary Compass Control puts you in charge of your business:
• Customizewashprogramsforlowercosts.
• Fivebuilt-inprogramsandthecapabilitytoeasilyaddordeleteprograms.
• SpecialtyprogramseasilycreatedinWashProgramManager.
• Displaywashprograminformationintwolanguagessimultaneously.
• Valuepricing.Setdifferentpricesfordifferentwashprograms,evenatdifferenttimes.
• HeavySoil&ExtraRinseoptionsincreasestorerevenueandcustomersatisfaction.
Available in 20, 25, 30, 45, 62 & 77 lb. capacities.
Stainless or blue wave front panels available. Most
sizes available in 220 or 120 volt, single phase!
The future of professional laundry is here.
you with precision-engineered washers, dryers, and flatwork ironers. Products are certified in accordance with ISO 9001
Take control of your laundry operations with Electrolux Professional Laundry.
Share more of our thinking at www.electroluxusa.com/laundrysystems
Electrolux models W485S
and W4105S are Energy
Star rated. They meet strict
energy efciency guide-
lines set by the EPA & US
Department of Energy.
Our larger machines are also designed to
save water and energy and achieve impres-
sive Modied Energy Factor (MEF) results.