Placed towards the display end of the HDMI
path, the 121 Extender allows HDMI cable runs
of up to about 50 metres (150+ feet)*. This is
particularly useful when a digital video display
device such as a projector is a considerable dis-
tance from the video source driving it. The unit
is typically placed near the projector or other
display device. Proprietary active termination,
automatic cable equalisation, buffering and
de-jittering technology visibly improve image
quality, reduce noise and stabilise the video
– even on short cable runs. The automatic signal
correction allows signals between –20dB and
+6dB to be restored to perfect level, edges and
eye pattern, making the Extender an ideal HDMI
or DVI problem-solver.
The 121 Extender is a small box designed to bolt
into position unobtrusively near the display unit;
it may also be positioned part-way down the
signal path. The unit has one input and one out-
put: the output is connected via a short HDMI
cable to the display while the input is connected
via a long cable to the video source component.
DVI/HDMI cables can be used with DVI sources
and destinations.
The 121 Extender is powered by an external
universal voltage supply or may be operated
by any DC supply from 6 to 15V at under 2W
consumption. It can also be powered from the
HDMI cable itself in some circumstances. An in-
dicator LED illuminates when lock is established;
a power indicator LED is also included.
The 421 Switch is a four input, one output
HDMI switching unit with extremely wide band-
width and employing proprietary technology to
switch high-resolution digital HDMI video and
audio. Each input also includes Meridian’s HDMI
Extender technology to improve image quality
and stability and reduce noise and jitter on both
short and long cable runs.
Broadcast-quality, High-
Definition HDMI/DVI
extender & four-way switch
Allows cable runs of up to 50
metres (150+ ft)
Improved image quality:
lower noise, greater stability
Automatic signal correction
4-into-1 HDMI switch box
allows simple input selection
under remote control
Carries HDMI 6-channel
24/96 & bitstream audio, and
video at up to 1080p
DVI compatible (adaptor
cables required)
121 Extender & 421 Switch
The High-Density Multimedia Interface, or HDMI, is ideal for connecting High Definition
digital video sources to digital displays such as projectors and flat panels. HDMI also allows
high-quality digital audio to be carried along the same cable.
In addition, HDMI carries digital video with definitions up to 1080p, the highest definition
currently available on display equipment and significantly in advance of the capabilities of
existing HD broadcasters (which are generally 720p or 1080i).
The latest release of the specification allows up to six channels of high-resolution 24-bit
digital audio to be carried at sampling rates up to 96 kHz, in addition to bitstream data. This
corresponds to the multichannel specification for high-resolution audio disc formats such as
DVD-Audio and DualDisc, and emerging high-density audio/video disc formats.
The HDMAX121 Extender uses active termination, automatic cable equalisation, buffering
and de-jittering to achieve extended HDMI/DVI cable runs, while the HDMAX421 Switcher
offers four-into-one HDMI switching with both local and multiple remote control capability.
HDMAX 421 Switch (top) and
121 Extender (right).
Above: rear panels showing
connections. Not to the same