IBM System Storage SAN04B-R
multiprotocol router
Designed to interconnect distant SANs via secure Internet Protocol
Efficient package with two active Fibre Channel ports and two Ethernet Internet Protocol ports
Designed for high performance
with 4 Gigabit per second
(Gbps) Fibre Channel (FC) ports
and hardware-assisted traffic
processing for line-rate per-
formance across Ethernet
Internet Protocol (IP) ports
Utilizes existing Internet, IP-
based Metropolitan Area
Network (MAN) or Wide Area
Network (WAN) infrastructures
for metro and global SAN
extension for business
continuity solutions
Hardware-based compression,
large window sizes and selec-
tive acknowledgement of IP
packets designed to optimize
performance of SAN extension
over IP networks
Integrated IBM System
Storage™ SAN b-type (Brocade)
switch management helps sim-
plify installation and administra-
tion and helps provide fabric
investment protection
A wide range of IBM System Storage
mid-range and enterprise Storage Area
Network (SAN) infrastructure simplifica-
tion and business continuity solutions
can be created with the IBM System
Storage SAN04B-R multiprotocol
router. Infrastructure simplification solu-
tions for the IBM Power™ Systems and
System x™ family include disaster tol-
erance over metropolitan and global IP
networks with IBM System Storage disk
arrays, tape libraries and IBM Tivoli®
Storage Manager data protection
Local site infrastructure simplification
solutions may be extended to one or
more remote sites for enhanced data
protection and disaster tolerance. The
IBM System Storage SAN04B-R multi-
protocol router provides Fibre Channel
over IP and FCIP Tunneling Service for
distance extension which can enable
cost effective and manageable metro