TempStar™ HH (70°F-rise Booster)
TempStar™ HH
Door Type
CSI Section 11400
Mandatory Specs
Specify voltage
Specify booster size
Specify electric or steam
Optional Features
40˚F- (4.5˚C- ) rise booster
heater available at no
additional cost if specied
at time of order
With no booster heater
Flanged feet
Water hammer arrestor
Standard Features
36” (914 mm) compartment
rack 4 1/6” (4 mm) tall
36” (914 mm) compartment
rack 5 5/8” (16 mm) tall
36” (914 mm) compartment
rack 7” (178 mm) tall
Combination rack
Peg rack
Sheet pan rack (18” x 26”/
457 mm x 660 mm baking
U s es 1.36 g al lon s (5 l i te rs) of 180 ˚F
wat e r per r a ck
To tal a u t omatic (no r m al) c y cle - 6 2
s e cond s
53 r ack s per h o ur n or m al c y cle
2 H P w as h p ump m o t or
Sin gle-po in t c onn ec tio ns f or a l l u ti l it i e s
B uil t -in wat er p r e ssur e r e gula to r a n d
gau g e
Field c o nv e r t ible fr o m s tr aigh t - thro ugh
t o co r ner oper a tion s
Hea v y dut y s tain less s teel c onstruc t i on
Sani-Sure™ feature assures proper rinse
water temperature
Multi-cycle timer (Extra Heavy, Heavy,
Medium, Normal)
Extended 15 sec. high-temperature rinse
provides superior coverage and rapid
20 3/4” (527 mm) wide x 27” (686 mm)
high opening accommodates 18” (457)
X 26” (660 mm) sheet pans and 60-quart
mixing bowls
Auto-ll / auto-start
Safety door switch
Delime/manual wash switch
Low-watt density electric wash tank
Hi-limit thermostat and low-water pro-
Adjustable bullet feet
Uses stand
ard 20
” x 20” (508 mm x 508
mm) racks
Front dress panel
Detergent/rinse additive signal connec-
tion fuse box
Built-in 70˚F(21˚C)-rise booster heater is
part of Sani-Sure™ feature and standard
Lower counterrotating wash arms and
upper wash arm provide optimum spray
coverage and superior cleaning action
Self-draining stainless steel pump
Split-door design accommodates instal-
lations with low ceilings
Large scrap tray
07610-002-66-60B (11/08)
P. O. Box 1060
Barbourville, KY 40906
Tel: 606-523-9795
Tel: 1-888-800-5672
Fax: 606-523-1799
E-mail: customerservice@jacksonmsc.com
Gray, KY 40734
6209 North U.S. Highway 25E
TempStar™ HH (40°F-rise Booster) TempStar™ HH with No Booster
Drain quench system