Thank you for purchasing the Korg TRITON proX, TRITON pro, or TRITON music worksta-
tion/sampler. To ensure trouble-free enjoyment, please read this manual carefully and use the
instrument as directed.
The owner’s manuals and how to use
The TRITON proX, TRITON pro, and TRITON come
with the following owner’s manuals.
• Basic Guide
• Parameter Guide
• Voice Name List
Basic Guide
First read this manual carefully to gain a basic under-
standing of the instrument and to learn basic opera-
explains the function of each part, how
to make connections, basic operation, and gives an
overview of each mode.
“Quick Start”
explains basic topics (hearing the demo
songs, selecting sounds, convenient functions for per-
formance). If you wish to begin playing immediately,
read this section first.
“Basic Functions”
contains mode-by-mode explana-
tions of what you need to know to edit sounds, record
on the sequencer, and record samples. This section also
explains how to use the arpeggiator, effects, and MIDI.
explains how to install the Korg MIDI
Driver that you will need when connecting the instru-
ment to the TO HOST connector or to a computer, and
lists the specifications etc.
Parameter Guide
The Parameter Guide contains explanations and other
information regarding the operations of the parame-
ters and settings on the TRITON proX, TRITON pro,
and TRITON. The explanations are organized by
mode, page, and tab. Explanations and other informa-
tion on the effects and their parameters are also pro-
vided for each effect.
Refer to this guide when an unfamiliar parameter
appears in the display, or when you need to know
more about a particular function.
Voice Name List
This lists the multisamples and drumsamples that are
built into the TRITON proX, TRITON pro, and TRI-
TON, and the factory preset combinations, programs,
drum kits, and user arpeggio patterns.
Refer to these lists when you wish to know more about
the preloaded sounds.
Conventions in this manual
References to the TRITON proX, TRITON pro, and
The TRITON proX, TRITON pro, and TRITON are col-
lectively referred to in this manual as the TRITON.
Switches and knobs [ ]
References to the switches, dials, and knobs on the
TRITON’s panel are enclosed in square brackets [ ].
References to
indicate objects in the
LCD display screen.
Parameters in the LCD display screen “ “
Parameters displayed in the LCD screen are enclosed
in double quotation marks “ “.
Boldface type
Parameter values are printed in boldface type.
Content that is of particular importance is also printed
in boldface type.
Procedure steps
Steps in a procedure are listed as
These indicate pages or parameter numbers to which
you can refer.
, ,
These symbols respectively indicate cautions, advice,
and MIDI-related explanations.
Example screen displays
The values of the parameters shown in the example
screens of this manual are only for explanatory pur-
poses, and may not necessary match the values that
appear in the LCD screen of your instrument.
MIDI-related explanations
is an abbreviation for Control Change Number.
In explanations of MIDI messages,
numbers in square
brackets [ ]
always indicate hexadecimal numbers.
Malfunctions due to incorrect operation may cause the
contents of memory to be lost, so we recommend that
you save important data on a floppy disk. Please be
aware that Korg will accept no responsibility for any
damages which may result from loss of data.
Also, when digitally recording copyrighted audio
material from a DAT or CD etc., you must obtain per-
mission for use. Please be aware that Korg will accept
no responsibility for any copyright violations which
may occur through your use of this product.
* Company names, product names, and names of for-
mats etc. are the trademarks or registered trade-
marks of their respective owners.
About this manual
Data handling