10 Kyocera QCP 6035 Smartphone User’s Guide
What you see when the flip is closed
What you see when the flip is open
Whether the phone is on or off, the organizer “wakes up” when you open
the flip. It displays the last application you used.
If you aren’t sure whether the phone is on, press the shuttle in. The status
bar appears at the top of the screen. Also, when the phone is on, the LED
flashes slowly.
When you are not using the phone or the organizer applications, the
screen goes blank after a few minutes to save power. To activate the
screen, press any key, press the backlight, or close and open the flip.
If the phone
is off
The screen is blank. The LED is not flashing. Keyguard
protects against accidental key presses. Only is
If the phone
is on
When the screen is “awake”—The status bar appears at the
top of the screen; the menu bar appears at the bottom. The
LED flashes slowly. All keys are responsive.
When the screen is “asleep”— Keyguard protects against
accidental key presses. Only and the backlight key
are responsive. The LED flashes slowly.
To activate the screen, do any of the following:
■ Press the backlight key.
■ Press , followed by the digits 1, 2, 3.
■ Open and close the flip.