LG Electronics VX6100 Cell Phone User Manual

Using Phone Menus
Using Phone Menus
Message Alerts (Menu )
Allows you to set various alert settings for messages.
1. Press , , , .
2. Select the type of message alert.
Voice Mail / Text Msg / Photo Msg / E - mail / Page /
2 - Min Reminder
Use to select an alert setting, then press to save
the change.
Vibrate Once
Vibrate and
Sound /
Custom Ring
Tone /
Low Beep Once
Low Beeps
Loud Beep Once
Loud Beeps
Service Alerts (Menu )
Allows you to set any of the four Alert options to either On or Off.
1. Press , , , .
2. Select the type of Service Alert.
Service Change / Minute Beep / Call Connect /
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Service Change (Menu )
Alerts you when service changes. Phone displays Entering
Service Area or Leaving Service Area message.
Minute Beep (Menu )
Alerts you 10 seconds before the end of every minute
during a call.
NOTE: The 2-Min Reminder can be set to On or Off.