Nokia N73 Cell Phone User Manual

Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Upload files
Press , and select Gallery > Images & video, the files
you want to upload, and Options > Send > Web upload.
You can access the Online sharing application also from
the main camera.
The Select service view opens. To create a new account for
a service, select Options > Add new account or the service
icon with the text Create account in the services list. If
you have created a new account offline, or modified an
account or service settings through a Web browser on a
compatible PC, to update the services list in your device,
select Options > Retrieve services. To select a service,
press the scroll key.
When you select the service, the selected images and
videos are shown in the edit state. You can open and view
the files, reorganize them, add text to them, or add new
To cancel the Web upload process, and save the created
post as a draft, select Back > Save as draft. If the
uploading has already started, select Cancel > Save as
To connect to the service and upload the files to the Web,
select Options > Upload, or press .
Open online service
To view uploaded images and videos in the online service,
and draft and sent entries in your device, in the Images &
video folder, select Options > Open online service. If you
have created a new account offline, or modified an
account or service settings through a Web browser on a
compatible PC, to update the services list in your device,
select Options > Retrieve services. Select a service from
the list.
After you open a service, select from the following:
Open in Web browser—to connect to the selected
service and view the uploaded and draft albums in the
Web browser. The view may vary depending on the
service provider.
Drafts—to view and edit the draft entries, and upload
them to the Web
Sent—to view the 20 latest entries created through
your device
New post—to create a new entry
The available options may vary depending on the service
Online sharing settings
To edit the Online sharing settings, in the Online sharing
application, select Options > Settings.