Nokia N73 Cell Phone User Manual

Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
My e-mail address—Enter the e-mail address given to you
by your service provider. Replies to your messages are sent
to this address.
Outgoing mail serv.—Enter the IP address or host name of
the mail server that sends your e-mail. You may only be
able to use the outgoing server of your network operator.
Contact your service provider for more information.
Access point in use—Select an Internet access point (IAP).
See ‘Connection’, p. 98.
The settings for User name, Password, Security (ports),
and Port are similar to the ones in Incoming e-mail.
User settings
My name—Enter your own name. Your name replaces your
e-mail address in the recipient’s device when the
recipient’s device supports this function.
Send message—Define how e-mail is sent from your
device. Select Immediately for the device to connect to the
mailbox when you select Send message. If you select
During next conn., e-mail is sent when the connection to
the remote mailbox is available.
Send copy to self—Select whether you want to save a
copy of the e-mail to your remote mailbox and to the
address defined in My e-mail address.
Include signature—Select whether you want to attach a
signature to your e-mail messages.
New e-mail alerts—Select whether you want to receive
the new e-mail indications, a tone and a note, when new
mail is received to the mailbox.
Retrieval settings
E-mail to retrieve—Define which parts of the e-mail are
retrieved: Headers only, Partially (kB), Messages (for
IMAP4 only), or Msgs. & attachs..
Retrieval amount—Define how many new e-mail
messages are retrieved to the mailbox.
IMAP4 folder path (for IMAP4 only)—Define the folder
path for folders to be subscribed.
Folder subscriptions (for IMAP4 only)—Subscribe to other
folders in the remote mailbox and retrieve content from
those folders.
Automatic retrieval
Header retrieval—Select whether you want the device to
retrieve new e-mail automatically. You can define when,
and how often, the messages are retrieved.
Retrieving e-mail messages automatically may increase
your call costs due to the data traffic.
Web service messages
Press , and select Messaging > Options > Settings >
Service message. Select whether you want to receive