Nokia N73 Cell Phone User Manual

Copyright © 2006 Nokia. All rights reserved.
To add, substract, multiply, divide, and calculate square
roots and percentages, press , and select Office >
Note: This calculator has limited accuracy and is
designed for simple calculations.
To convert measures from one unit to another, press ,
and select Office > Converter.
Converter has limited accuracy, and rounding errors may
1 In the Type field, select the measure you want to use.
2 In first Unit field, select the unit from which you want
to convert. In the next Unit field, select the unit to
which you want to convert.
3 In the first Amount field, enter the value you want to
convert. The other Amount field changes automatically
to show the converted value.
Set base currency and exchange rates
Select Type > Currency > Options > Currency rates.
Before you can make currency conversions, you must
select a base currency and add exchange rates. The rate of
the base currency is always 1.
Note: When you change base currency, you must
enter new exchange rates because all previously set
exchange rates are cleared.
To write notes, press , and select Office > Notes. You
can send notes to compatible devices, and save plain text
files (.txt format) that you receive to Notes.
To print a note on a compatible Basic Print Profile (BPP)
equipped printer with Bluetooth connectivity (such as HP
Deskjet 450 Mobile Printer or HP Photosmart 8150), select
Options > Print.