GM-14915081 REV 2 May/2012
This guide provides the basic information
you need to set up and begin using your
SPAN-CPT system.
In addition to this quick start guide, the
following is provided in your SPAN-CPT package:
•1 SPAN-CPT (Integrated Receiver and IMU)
•1 SPAN-CPT interface cable
• 1 CD containing PC Utilities and product documentation
• 1 User Manual postcard for requesting printed manuals
The following additional equipment is needed for a basic setup:
• A Windows
-based PC with an RS-232 or USB port
• A power supply of +9 to +18 V DC
• A quality dual frequency GNSS antenna such as the
GPS-702, or GPS-532 for airborne/high speed applications
For L-Band corrections use the GPS-702L antenna
• A TNC to appropriate antenna connector RF cable
Before setting up your SPAN-CPT system, install NovAtel’s PC
on the Windows-based computer that you will use to
communicate with it. This computer must have an RS-232 DB-9
or USB port
1. Start up the computer.
2. Insert the accompanying CD in the CD-ROM drive of the
3. Select Install the OEMV PC Utilities from the window that is
automatically displayed. If the window does not
automatically open when the CD is inserted, select Run from
the Start menu and select the Browse button to locate
Setup.exe on the CD drive.
4. Install the PC Utilities by advancing through the steps
provided in the NovAtel GPS PC Utilities setup program.
Complete the following steps to set up and power your
SPAN-CPT system.
1. Mount the SPAN-CPT enclosure and antenna securely to a
vehicle. For the simplest operation, the Y-axis of the
SPAN-CPT should be aligned with the forward axis
(direction of travel) of the vehicle. The Z-axis should be
pointing up. Ensure that the GNSS antenna and enclosure
cannot move relative to each other. The distance and rela-
tive direction between them must be fixed.
2. Connect the SPAN-CPT interface cable to the multi-purpose
I/O connector on the SPAN-CPT.
3. Connect the SPAN-CPT USB cable to a computer USB port
or connect COM1 of the SPAN-CPT to a computer COM
4. Connect the GNSS antenna to the antenna port on the
SPAN-CPT using an appropriate antenna cable.
5. Apply power to the SPAN-CPT. It is recommended that you
place a back-up battery between the SPAN-CPT and its
voltage supply as a power buffer if installed in a vehicle.
Serial or USB communication can be done using the NovAtel
Connect software (installed with the PC Utilities) or a standard
terminal program, such as Hyperterminal.
To establish a connection to the SPAN-CPT using Connect:
1. Launch Connect from the Start menu folder specified during
the installation process. The default location is Start |
All Programs | NovAtel PC Software | NovAtel Connect.
2. Select New Connection from the Device menu.
3. Enter a name for the Connection setup.
4. Select Serial from the Type list.
5. Select the computer port the SPAN-CPT is connected to
from the Port list.
6. Set the COM port for the receiver to communicate through.
7. Select 115200 from the Baud Rate list.
8. Ensure the Hardware Handshaking box is not checked.
9. Click the OK button to save the new device settings.
To access and download the most current version of our
OEMV PC Utilities, go to the Support page of the NovAtel
web site at www.novatel.com.