
352 MIXER/AMPLIFIERSpecifications
RRaatteedd oouuttppuutt ppoowweerr::
35 Watts
OOuuttppuutt rreegguullaattiioonn::
Direct out: <0.5 dB
Transformer out: <1.0 dB
FFrreeqquueennccyy rreessppoonnssee::
Power Amplifier: ±0.5 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz,
direct out
±1.0 dB, 50 Hz to 20 kHz,
transformer out
Preamplifier: ±1.0 dB, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Power Amplifier: 0.05% (1 kHz)
Preamplifier: 0.10% with nominal gain
PPoowweerr bbaannddwwiiddtthh::
Direct out: <10 Hz to 70 kHz
Transformer out: 30 Hz to 40 kHz
(22 Hz — 22 kHz) typical
All controls CCW: -100 dB
All controls nominal (5): -90 dB
Level controls CCW and master level CW:
-80 dB
Direct out: 4 Ohms
XFMR: Balanced 8 Ohms,
70 V, 100 V
Ch. 4 out: 1 V nom.; +21 dBu max.
at 100 Ohms
Pre out: 1 V nom.; +21 dBu max.
at 100 Ohms
Channel 1: Mic 1 mV at 1.8 k Ohms
(XLR or screw terminals)
Tel 100 mV at 20 k Ohms
(Screw terminals)
Channel 2: Mic 1 mV at 1.8 k Ohms
(Screw terminals)
Line 100 mV
at 20 k Ohms
(Screw terminals)
Channel 3: Line 100 mV
at 20 k Ohms
(Screw terminals)
Channel 4: Line 100 mV
at 20 k Ohms
(Screw terminals)
Stereo 316 mV
(-10 dBV) at
4.0 k Ohms
(RCA jacks)
Power in: 1 Volt at 20 k Ohms
TToonnee ccoonnttrroollss::
Bass: ±10 dB at 100 Hz
Treble: ±10 dB at 10 kHz
FFrroonntt ppaanneell ccoonnttrroollss aanndd iinnddiiccaattoorrss::
Channel 1 level control
Channel 2 level control
Channel 3 level control
Channel 4 level control