Blackberry 6210 Cell Phone User Manual

296 Product Name
text, 59
user-defined field name, 123
clearing fields
in Address Book, 128
in Calendar fields, 217
in call notes, 157
in memos, 230
in searches, 102
in task fields, 202
closing, Browser application, 183
compose, description of, 35
and saving, 93
email messages, 42
email messages from specific
service book, 43
one-time phone calls, 140, 143
PIN messages, 45
SMS messages, 75
using AutoText, 54
conference calls
disconnect, 161
placing, 159
split call, 160
conference calls, 159
voice mail, 155
content mode
HTML, 172
WML, 172
converting, measurements, 232
bookmarks, 179
copying text
in a message, 59
tips for using, 71, 85
Address Book entries, 117
AutoText entries, 55
AutoText entries for SMS
messages, 78
bookmark subfolders, 180
email messages, 42
meeting requests, 222
memos, 228
phone calls, 135
PIN messages, 45
SMS messages, 75
tasks, 201
Address Book options, 116
Alarm, 236
auto signature, 62
Calendar options, 206
call forwarding, 149
call logging, 147
current email message
options, 48
handheld options, 249
home page, 171
MemoPad options, 228
message options, 48
notification profiles, 245
Phone options, 146
SMS message options, 259
Tasks options, 200
cutting text
in a message, 59
tips for using, 71, 85
date and time
copying from network, 251
fields, 251
addresses, 129
appointments in Day, Agenda,
or Week view, 220
appointments in Month
view, 221
attachments, 196
AutoText entries, 58
call logs, 108
email messages from handheld