Samsung SGH-A737 Cell Phone User Manual

Call Alert Type 73, 75
Call Answer 82
Call Forwarding
Always 83
Busy 83
If Out of Reach 83
No Reply 83
Unreachable 83
Call Functions 23
Adjusting the Call Volume 30
Answering a Call 25
Correcting the Number 23
Making a Call 23
Recent Calls 27
Redialing Last Number 24
Silent Mode 30
Call Ringtone 73
Call Status Tones
Call Connect Tone 82
Call End Tone 82
Minute Minder 82
Call Time 29
Call Waiting 34
Activate 83, 84
Check Status 83
Deactivate 83, 84
Camcorder Options 122
Camcorder Settings 123
Camcorder Shortcuts 124
Effects 122
Go to Video 123
Record Video 122
Take Photo 123
Taking Pictures 117
Camera Options 118
Camera Settings 119
Camera Shortcuts 120
Effects 118
Frames 119
Go to Graphics 119
Record Video 119
Shooting Mode 118
Timer 119, 123
Camera Shortcuts
Shortcut Keys 120, 124
Cellular Video 110
Alerts 114
Customizing 114
Favorites 114
My Purchases 115
Options 111
Parental Controls 115
Charging battery 7
Clear key 21
Clearing Memory 91
Command Keys 20
Your Phone’s Connectivity 86
Creating a Playlist 102
Data Call Time 30
Data Volume 29
Deleting Favorites 141
Dialing a Number
Address Book 46
Digital Music Stores 97
icons 16