Samsung SGH-A767 Cell Phone User Manual

Answer Tones
3. Follow the on-screen options.
4. When you are ready to purchase the answer tone, press
to complete the transaction.
Multimedia Store
The Multimedia Store menu option allows you to shop for
multimedia files using the built-in browser.
To access this menu option, use the following steps:
1. At the Idle screen, select Menu
MEdia Mall
2. Select
Multimedia Store
You are prompted to confirm that you want to “
Open Link in
Browser? This link will take you out of MEdia Mall.
3. Press the right soft key to select
4. Follow the on-screen options.
5. When you are ready to purchase the file, press to
complete the transaction.
Accessing the MEdia Net Home
The MEdia Net menu option allows you to access your MEdia Net
homepage using the built-in browser. This page gives you quick
access to information such as local weather, sports scores,
horoscope information and quick links to the previously
mentioned shopping sites. To access this menu option, use the
following steps:
From the
MEdia Mall
menu, select MEdia Net Home to launch
the built-in browser and launch this AT&T homepage.
soft key can be selected anytime while in the
. The following options appear:
MEdia Mall Home
: takes you back to the MEdia Mall home screen.
MyMEdia Club
: enables you to join the MyMEdia Club, where you can
earn credits to be used for tones, graphics, and games in the AT&T
MEdia Mall.
A monthly charge is applied for MyMEdia membership.
MEdia Mall Account
: shows a history of your MEdia Mall account.
Recently Viewed
: shows the most recently viewed ringtones, games,
videos, graphics, and answer tones.
: takes you back to the Menu screen.