0198441113586, V2.01, 11.2008
IL•1F CANopen DS301 9 Glossary
Fieldbus interface 93
9 Glossary
9.1 Units and conversion tables
The value in the specified unit (left column) is calculated for the desired
unit (top row) with the formula (in the field).
Example: conversion of 5 meters [m] to yards [yd]
5 m / 0.9144 = 5.468 yd
9.1.1 Length
9.1.2 Mass
9.1.3 Force
9.1.4 Power
in ft yd m cm mm
in - / 12 / 36 * 0.0254 * 2.54 * 25.4
ft * 12 - / 3 * 0.30479 * 30.479 * 304.79
yd * 36 * 3 - * 0.9144 * 91.44 * 914.4
m / 0.0254 / 0.30479 / 0.9144 - * 100 * 1000
cm / 2.54 / 30.479 / 91.44 / 100 - * 10
mm / 25.4 / 304.79 / 914.4 / 1000 / 10 -
lb oz slug kg g
lb - * 16 * 0.03108095 * 0.4535924 * 453.5924
oz / 16 - * 1.942559*10
* 0.02834952 * 28.34952
slug / 0.03108095 / 1.942559*10
- * 14.5939 * 14593.9
kg / 0.45359237 / 0.02834952 / 14.5939 - * 1000
g / 453.59237 / 28.34952 / 14593.9 / 1000 -
lb oz p dyne N
lb - * 16 * 453.55358 * 444822.2 * 4.448222
oz / 16 - * 28.349524 * 27801 * 0.27801
p / 453.55358 / 28.349524 - * 980.7 * 9.807*10
dyne / 444822.2 / 27801 / 980.7 - / 100*10
N / 4.448222 / 0.27801 / 9.807*10
* 100*10
HP -* 746
W / 746 -