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20 pin DIP (Ceramic)
Diagonal 11mm (Type 2/3) CCD Image Sensor for CCIR B/W Video Cameras
The ICX423AL is an interline CCD solid-state image
sensor suitable for CCIR B/W video cameras with a
diagonal 11mm (Type 2/3) system. Compared with the
current product ICX083AL, basic characteristics such
as sensitivity and smear are improved drastically and
high saturation characteristics are realized.
This chip features a field period readout system and
an electronic shutter with variable charge-storage
time. This chip is compatible with the pins of the
ICX083AL and has the same drive conditions.
• High sensitivity (+3.0dB compared with the ICX083AL)
• Low smear (–10.0dB compared with the ICX083AL)
• High saturation signal (+2.0dB compared with the ICX083AL)
• High resolution and Low dark current
• Excellent antiblooming characteristics
• Continuous variable-speed shutter
Device Structure
• Interline CCD image sensor
• Optical size: Diagonal 11mm (Type 2/3)
• Number of effective pixels: 752 (H) × 582 (V) approx. 440K pixels
• Total number of pixels: 795 (H) × 596 (V) approx. 470K pixels
• Chip size: 10.25mm (H) × 8.5mm (V)
• Unit cell size: 11.6µm (H) × 11.2µm (V)
• Optical black: Horizontal (H) direction: Front 3 pixels, rear 40 pixels
Vertical (V) direction: Front 12 pixels, rear 2 pixels
• Number of dummy bits: Horizontal 22
Vertical 1 (even fields only)
• Substrate material: Silicon
Optical black position
(Top View)
Pin 1
Pin 11