TOSHIBA CMOS Digital Integrated Circuit Silicon Monolithic
Firmware Built In Digital Servo
The TC9457F is a firmware incorporating CD digital servo
system. In addition to an LCD/LED driver, 4-channel 6-bit AD
converters, and 2-wire/3-wire serial interface, it has a buzzer
function, interrupt function, and 8-bit timer/counter. The CPU
allows selection of the operating clock from three types of crystal
oscillators (16.9344 MHz, 4.5 MHz, and 75 kHz), making
interfacing with a CD easy. The CD digital servo incorporates
various functions and circuits required for CD systems. These
include sync separation protection and interpolation, EFM
demodulation, error correction, digital equalizer for servoing, and
a servo control circuit. Furthermore, it contains a 1-bit DA
converter, so that when combined with the digital servo head
amp TA2109F, it allows you to create a maintenance-free,
extremely simple CD player system.
· CMOS−technology DTS microcontroller LSI incorporating a CD digital servo and LCD/LED driver
· Operating supply voltage:
When CD is operating, V
= 4.5 to 5.5 V (5.0 V typ.)
When CD is turned off, V
= 2.7 to 5.5 V (CPU operating)
· Current consumption:
When CD is operating, I
= 55 mA (typ.)
When CD is turned off, I
= 2 mA (typ.) (using 4.5 MHz crystal; CPU operating)
When CD is turned off, I
= 0.1 mA (using 75 kHz crystal; CPU operating)
· Operating temperature range: Ta = −40 to 85 °C
· Firmware
· Instruction execution time: 1.89/1.78/107 µs
· Crystal oscillator frequency: 16.9344 MHz/4.5 MHz/75 kHz
· AD converter: 6 bits, 4 channels
· LCD driver: 1/4 duty, 1/2 biased, maximum 72 segments
· LED driver: 4 digits × maximum 14 segments (shared with LCD driver in software)
· Timer/counter: 8 bits (timer clock selectable from INTR1, INTR2, instruction cycle, or 1 kHz)
· Serial interface: 3-wire/2-wire interface (data length: 4 or 8 bits)
· Buzzer: 0.625 to 3 kHz (8 types) ; 4 modes available-continuous, single, 10 Hz intermittent, and 10 Hz
intermittent at 1 Hz interval
· Interrupt: 1 external, 3 internal (CD subing synchronous, serial interface, 8 bits timer)
Weight: 1.6 g (typ.)