Payments Are Just The Beginning.
Discover The Possibilities.
Single Platform. A World of Uses.
MX Solutions operate on one software platform, providing integration and a single point of control, making it easy
to create and customize customer touchpoints with multiple uses. Along with a common user interface, which
dramatically simplies use, MX Solutions is ideal for a wide range of customer interaction applications. From price
checkers to dazzling multimedia promotions, self-service kiosks, disclosures, loyalty enrollment, instant credit and
more, MX Solutions offers ingenious ways to personalize your customer service.
All MX800 Series devices are modular and easily upgradeable, with a variety of options such as contactless payment
and signature capture for maximum exibility.
About VeriFone
VeriFone is a global leader in secure electronic payment technologies. We provide solutions, services and expertise that
enable electronic payment transactions and value-added services at the point of sale and in self-service applications.
Our devices and systems process a broad spectrum of payment types, incorporate existing and the latest in emerging
technologies, and comply with all major global security standards. We operate with a network of nearly 30 sales and
marketing ofces throughout the world.
© 2008 VeriFone. All rights reserved. VeriFone, the VeriFone logo, MX Solutions, and PAYware are either trademarks or registered trademarks of VeriFone in the United States
and/or other countries. All other trademarks and brand names are the properties of their respective holders. All features and specications are subject to change without notice
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Contact us today to put your retail vision in motion. We’ll discuss your specic
requirements and talk about all that we can deliver to implement a comprehensive
integrated retail solution—from the latest payment systems to installation and support.
Email us at www.verifone.com/mxsolutions