• Ultra lightweight 3.3 lb
m i c ro - p o rtable pro j e c t o r
Packs a lot of power in only 3.3 pounds.
• P rofessional level 1100
Get clear, bright presentations in any setting.
• True 1024 x 768 XGA
Produces clear, crisp images.
• Easy set-up and auto tuning
One-touch setup button for fast, easy sync
and sharp focus.
• Digital Light Pro c e s s i n g
( D L P
) by Te x a s
I n s t ru m e n t s
Excellent color contrast, bright, vivid images
and excellent video quality.
• P e r s o n a l T h e a t e r
p ro j e c t i o n
for movies, sports and more
• S u p p o rts HDTV and DVI-I
s i g n a l s
• Digital Keystone Corre c t i o n
Squares up the picture when projecting at
an angle.
• Wi reless remote control
Gives you total control, flexibility and
c o n v e n i e n c e .
PJ350 3.3-pound micro - p o r table pro j e c t o r.
Feel confident walking into any presentation setting with the micro-portable ViewSonic PJ350.
Weighing in at just 3.3 pounds, this high-performance projector is the ultimate choice for traveling
business professionals who demand excellent image quality in a lightweight, easy-to-carry package.
With XGA resolution, high brightness and contrast as well as full functionality this projector will make it
easy for you to present a positive image anytime, anywhere. With Digital Keystone Correction, picture-
in-picture and zoom functions this projector is flexible for any presentation setting. In addition, it is
capable of displaying DVI-I and HDTV signals as well as other video and data sources.
L i t e B i r d
S e r i e s
P J 3 5 0 P r o j e c t o r
V i e w S o n i c
See the differnce!