Para obtener acceso al manual de uso y cuidado en español, o para obtener información adicional acerca de su producto, visite:
Tenga listo su número de modelo completo. Puede encontrar el número de modelo y de serie dentro de la cavidad superior de la puerta.
Assistance or Service
If you need assistance or service, first see the “Troubleshooting”
section. Additional help is available by calling our Customer
eXperience Center at 1-800-253-1301 from anywhere in the
U.S.A., or write:
Whirlpool Corporation
Customer eXperience Center
553 Benson Road
Benton Harbor, MI 49022-2692
Please include a daytime phone number in your correspondence.
To order parts and accessories, call 1-800-442-9991.
Keep this book and your sales slip together for future
reference. You must provide proof of purchase or installation
date for in-warranty service.
Write down the following information about your appliance to help
you obtain assistance or service if you ever need it. You will need
to know your complete model number and serial number. You can
find this information on the model and serial number label, located
at the top inside dryer door well.
Dealer name ____________________________________________________
Serial number ___________________________________________________
Phone number___________________________________________________
Model number___________________________________________________
Purchase date___________________________________________________
Enhance your dryer with these premium accessories.
For more high-quality items or to order, call 1-800-901-2042, or
visit us at www.whirlpool.com/accessories. In Canada call
1-800-807-6777, or visit us at www.whirlpoolparts.ca.
Table of Contents
ASSISTANCE OR SERVICE.............................1
DRYER SAFETY................................................2
DRYER USE......................................................4
DRYER CARE ...................................................5
TROUBLESHOOTING ......................................6
WARRANTY ......................................................8
Part Number Accessory
20-48KITRC 4 ft (1.2 m) gas line dryer connector installation
PT220L 4 ft (1.2 m) dryer cord, 3-wire, 30 amp
PT400L 4 ft (1.2 m) dryer cord, 4-wire, 30 amp
PT600L 6 ft (1.8 m) dryer cord, 4-wire, 30 amp
8212614 Dryer vent lint brush
31682 All-purpose appliance cleaner
1903WH Laundry supply storage cart
3404351 Drying rack - fits 29" (73.7 cm) Super Capacity,
6.5 cu. ft (0.18 cu. m) - side swing or hamper
3406839 Drying rack - fits 29" (73.7 cm) Super Capacity
Plus, 7.0 cu. ft (0.20 cu. m) - side swing door
49971 Compact dryer stand - white
49572 LP gas conversion kit