XEROX Material Safety Data Sheet MSDS No: A-2006A
Date: 8/14/85
Revision: 1/12/07
Xerox Corporation Xerox Canada Ltd. Telephone # (s): Safety Information: (800) 828-6571
Rochester, NY 14644 5650 Yonge Street Health Emergency: (585)422-2177
North York, Ontario M2M 4G7 Transportation Emergency (Chemtrec): (800) 424-9300
Section I - Product Identification
Trade Names/Synonyms: ECP- Magenta Toner Premix/Concentrate for ECP 42 Part No.: 4813-32* 26R351
4813-2* 26R237
Chemical Name: None 4813-1-1* 26R30
4813-16* 26R30-01
WHMIS Status: Class B/Div. 3, Combustible liquid and Class D/Div. 2B, Toxic 4813-16-6* 26R236
4813-32-6* 26R238
Ingredients (% by wt.)
Isoparaffinic hydrocarbon solvent (80-100%) 64742-48-9
Polymer (<2%) Trade Secret
Pigment (<2%) Trade Secret
Section II - Emergency and First Aid
Primary Route of Entry: Symptoms of Overexposure:
Inhalation High vapor concentrations (>1000 ppm) are irritating to
Eyes: the eyes and respiratory tract, and may cause headaches,
Flush with water for 15 minutes. If irritation persist, call a physician. dizziness anesthesia, drowsiness, unconsciousness, and
Skin: other central nervous system effects, including fatality.
Wash with soap and water. If skin is broken, call a physician.
Inhalation: Medical Conditions Generally Aggravated by Exposure:
Remove from exposure. Skin contact may aggravate an existing dermatitis.
DO NOT induce vomiting, call a physician immediately. Additional Information:
Section III - Toxicology and Health Information
This material has been evaluated by Xerox Corporation. The toxicity data noted below is for isoparaffinic hydrocarbons and similar
nks. i
Oral LD
: >10 g/kg (rat) practically non-toxic. TLV: N.E.
Dermal LD
: >3.2 g/kg (rabbit) practically non-toxic. PEL: N.E.
Inhalation LC
: >2000 ppm/4 hr (rat); >1800 ppm/6 hr (monkey) practically non-toxic. STEL: N.E.
Eye Irritation: May cause irritation. Ceiling: N.E.
Skin Sensitization: Not a sensitizer. XEL
: 200 ppm (isoparaffinic
Skin Irritation: Not an irritant. hydrocarbon solvent)
Human Patch: Non-sensitizing. May cause irritation and dermatitis with prolonged or repeated contact.
Mutagenicity: No mutagenicity detected in Ames, Pol A+/A-, WP
, Mouse Lymphoma, In Vitro Sister Chromatid
Exchange, Dominant Lethal and Micronucleus Assays.
Carcinogens: None present
Aquatic LC
: None available
Additional Information:
• Isoparaffinic hydrocarbon solvent has a low order of acute oral and dermal toxicity, but minute amounts aspirated into the lungs
during ingestion or vomiting may cause mild to severe pulmonary injury, including fatality.
• Rat inhalation at 900 ppm not fetotoxic or teratogenic.
The product does not contain a toxic chemical(s) subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization
Act of 1986 and 40CFR Part 372. Its ingredients do not appear on the California Proposition 65 List.
All ingredients contained within this product are listed on the
Canadian Domestic Substances List (DSL)
These ingredients are claimed as a trade secret by a Xerox supplier. They are registered in the following states under the
respective trade secret numbers: Massachusetts, 99-125-002 or -010; New Jersey, 800814-5000, 800814-5005, 800814-5006; and New York, 206 or 210. They are not
considered Hazardous as defined by WHMIS and a Trade Secret Exemption is not required for Canada.
XEL-Xerox Exposure Limit.
N.A. - Not Applicable N.E. -None Established N.D. -Not Determined 600E30170