HTC X+ Cell Phone User Manual

5. If there are conflicting playlists on HTC One X+ and your computer, choose
which playlist to keep.
6. After you've finished setting up the other items to sync in HTC Sync Manager,
click to sync them all at the same time.
Syncing photos and videos with the computer
1. Connect HTC One X+ to your computer.
2. In HTC Sync Manager, click Gallery > SYNC SETTINGS.
3. Select Sync Gallery.
4. You can choose to:
Import new photos
and videos from
Import new photos and videos from HTC One X+ to
HTC Sync Manager.
Sync albums to device Sync Gallery albums from HTC Sync Manager to
HTC One X+. Choose to sync All albums or only
Selected albums.
5. After you've finished setting up the other items to sync in HTC Sync Manager,
click to sync them all at the same time.
Syncing documents with the computer
1. Connect HTC One X+ to your computer.
2. In HTC Sync Manager, click More.
3. Select Document, and then click Settings.
4. Click Add, and then choose the folder that contains the documents you want to
sync with HTC One X+. You can add several folders.
5. After you've finished setting up the other items to sync in HTC Sync Manager,
click to sync them all at the same time.
102 HTC Sync Manager