
116 Section 2K: Using Your Phone’s Built-in Camera
4. Press Options(right softkey) for more options:
Sendto send the picture to up to 25 contacts at one
Upload to upload the picture you just took to the
Sprint PCS Picture Mail Web site
www.sprint.com/ picturemail). Depending on your
settings, you may be prompted to accept a
SprintPCS Vision connection.
Assign to assign the picture to a phone task. Select
an option:
Picture IDto assign the picture to a Contacts entry.
Screen Saver to use the picture as a screen saver.
Incoming Calls to display the picture for all
incoming calls.
Deleteto delete the picture you just took.
Printto print an image by mail or at a retail outlet.
Post to Serviceto send the image to a number of
popular third-party Web image services.
Review/Send Media to go to the In Phone Folder to
review your saved pictures.
Take New Picture to return to Camera mode to take
another picture.
To take a picture with the phone closed:
1. Press and hold the side camera key to activate camera mode.
2. Point the camera lens at your subject. (You can check the
picture framing through the external display screen.)
Note: When taking a picture with the phone closed, the subjectimage
appears in reverse on the external display. The captured image will not be
saved in reverse.
3. Press the side camera key to take the picture.