LG Electronics MFL67226001 Cell Phone User Manual

Table of Contents
Table of Contents
8. Web Alerts 53
9. Voicemail 53
10. Templates 53
11. Delete All 53
12. Message Settings 54
13. Message Counter 56
@metro App Store 56
Metro WEB 57
Music Player 57
1. Last Played Song 58
2. All Songs 58
3. Artists 58
4. Albums 59
5. My Playlists 59
6. Genres59
7. Settings 60
4.7.1 Repeat 60
4.7.2 Shuffle 60
Calendar 60
Camera 61
Multimedia 61
1. Take Photos 61
2. Record Voice 62
3. Images63
4. Ringtones 63
Alarm 64
Tools 64
1. Voice Command 64
1.1 Call <Name or Number> 64
1.2 Send Msg to <Name or
Number or Group> 65
1.3 Check <Item> 65
1.4 Contacts <Name> 65
1.5 Play65
1.6 Help 65
2. Calculator 66
3. EZ Tip Calculator 66
4. World Clock 67
5. Unit Converter 67