
3. Data
3.1 Connection
Allows you to use your phone to transmit data and
1. Press , , , .
2. Select Off / Fax In Once / Fax In Always / Data In
Once/ Data In Always.
3.2 Method
Allows you to select the data port.
1. Press , , , .
2. Select USB/ RS-232C(COM Port)/ Closed.
3.3 Speed
Allows you to select the data speed.
1. Press , , , .
2. Select 19200 bps/ 115200 bps/ 230400 bps.
4. Roaming
4.1 Set Mode
Allows you to set up the phone producer’s
management environment. Leave this setting as the
default unless you want to alter system selection as
instructed by your service provider.
1. Press , , , .
2. Use to select Home Only/ Analog Only/
Analog Home Only/ Automatic Mode/ Digital Only
then press .
The Data Connection Kit allows you to connect your PC or
PDA to your LG wireless phone, freeing you from having to
locate a telephone outlet. You can send or receive an e-mail,
a fax, or access the Internet anytime, anywhere.