Copyright. 1998. Nokia Mobile Phones. 3(4)
figure 6: Microsoft Mail main window
In Communications dialog, some or all of the settings may be loaded from data disk already. Check that
Network, Postoffice and Phone Number fields are filled. Select Nokia Data Suite as a script. Baud Rate
should be 9600 or higher, and Port is i.e. COM3, see quick guide for 16 bit applications in Forum.Nokia
to determinate correct com port. In Redial group you can set the number of connection attempts and
delay between attempts.
figure 7: Communications dialog
Then select Session Setup command in Mail menu. In this dialog you can select what is downloaded
when connection is made, and when a connection is made automatically. You can leave all the boxes in
Connection Times group unmarked, if you want to manually tell MS Mail Remote when to connect. When
Connected group defines what is downloaded. Send All and Retrieve Selected Headers enables you to
select which new messages are actually downloaded.
figure 8: Session Setup dialog