Nokia 2320 Cell Phone User Manual

Mobile Email
To change the menu view, select Options > Main menu view > List, Grid, Grid
with labels, or Tab.
To rearrange the menu, scroll to the menu you want to move, and select
Options > Organize > Move. Scroll to where you want to move the menu, and
select OK. To save the change, select Done > Yes.
2. Scroll through the menu, and select an option (for example, Settings).
3. If the selected menu contains further submenus, select the one you want
(for example, Call).
4. If the selected menu contains further submenus, repeat step 3.
5. Select the setting of your choice.
6. To return to the previous menu level, select Back. To exit the menu, select Exit.
5. Mobile Email
Mobile email provides access to popular email services. Depending on your email
provider, you can receive notification when new email arrives.For availability of
services and pricing contact AT&T.Select Menu >Mobile Email, choose your service
provider and complete the required information.
6. Enter text
You can enter text (for example, when writing messages) using traditional or
predictive text input. When you enter text, text input indicators appear at the top
of the display. indicates traditional text input. indicates predictive text