Nokia 9210i Cell Phone User Manual

Copyright © 2000-2003 Nokia. All rights reserved.
Use PPP compression: If you selectYes, this option speeds up the data transfer, if it
is supported by the remote PPP server. The options are Yes/No. If you have
problems with establishing a connection, try setting this to No. Contact
your Internet service provider for guidance.
Script options
If you need to define script options for your Internet connection, press Script
options on the Other page. A script can automate the connection between the
communicator and the server. See Figure 57.
Tip: Your Internet service
provider may be able to
provide you with a script.
Note: Scripts are not usually required when you establish a connection. To find
out whether you need a script, contact your Internet service provider.
Figure 57
Tip: Advanced users will
find scripting an advantage,
where use of scripting is
allowed. You can obtain
instructions from Forum
Nokia at URL
Press Edit script to edit the script. In the Edit script dialog you can press Import
script to import a script. On importing, it replaces the current contents of the
script file.
Define the following:
Use login script: The options are Yes/No.