How to contact the service center
Contact your service provider and ask if there is a special
telephone number for service.
No response Your phone cannot contact the
satellite. Check the location of
your QGFSP antenna. The
antenna must have a clear view
of the sky and the horizon. If this
is not true, that is, if there are
obstructions to the antenna’s
view, call your service provider.
You can remove the obstruction
if it is safe to do so.
If your power supply is equipped
with a backup battery, check to
see if the battery has grown
weak or failed. You may need to
replace the backup battery. Your
service provider can supply you
with a new battery, if necessary.
Note: If your telephone is working, you should always
hear a tone of some type when you lift the handset.
Note: The actual tones heard may vary according to
what is used by your service provider.
Problem Solution