Management and Diagnostic Console
Max 2 Latest estimate of maximum achievable rate adjusted for changing line conditions.
Max 3 Current or final estimated maximum achievable rate without impulse noise
Mgn 1 Noise margin (in dB) at the start of the connection.
Mgn 2 Latest noise margin adjusted for changing line conditions since the connection was
first established.
Attn Measured attenuation (in dB) of the line.
Pwr Transmit power (in dB).
CRCs Total uncorrected errors for this connection.
FECs Total corrected errors for this connection.
INP Impulse noise protection.
DLY Delay of latency path.
Rate The new user data rate (in kbps) for the connection.
Max Maximum rate achievable at the time of the initial connection based on the line
quality (specifically, the uncapped rate).
Mgn Noise margin (in dB) at the start of the connection.
Attn Measured attenuation (in dB) of the line.
Pwr Transmit power (in dB).
CRCs Total uncorrected errors for this connection.
FECs Total corrected errors for this connection.
Mode The DSL mode used (G.DMT, T1.413, or G.LITE).
Vendor Vendor ID of the DSLAM (for example, ALCB indicates Alcatel DSLAM in G.DMT
State The internal state of the modem. If there are repeated connection problems,
technical support representatives can use this information to determine at what
point during training the modem failed, or whether the modem is repeatedly failing
at the same point.
Item Description