To use WebAAA, the fallthru authentication type in the service profile
that manages the SSID must be set to web. To use WebAAA for a wired
authentication port, edit the port configuration with the set port type
wired-auth command.
Examples — The following commands create a subdirectory named
corpa-ssid, copy a custom login page named corpa-login.html and a jpg
image named corpa-logo.jpg into that subdirectory, and set the Web
login page for service profile to corpa-login.html:
WX4400# mkdir corpa-ssid
success: change accepted.
WX4400# copy tftp:// corpa-ssid/corpa-login.html
success: received 637 bytes in 0.253 seconds [ 2517 bytes/sec]
WX4400# copy tftp:// corpa-ssid/corpa-logo.jpg
success: received 1202 bytes in 0.402 seconds [ 2112 bytes/sec]
WX4400# dir corpa-ssid
Filename Size Created
file:corpa-login.html 637 bytes Aug 12 2004, 15:42:26
file:corpa-logo.jpg 1202 bytes Aug 12 2004, 15:57:11
Total: 1839 bytes used, 206577 Kbytes free
WX4400# set service-profile corpa-service web-aaa-form corpa-ssid/
success: change accepted.
See Also
copy on page 667
dir on page 670
display service-profile on page 353
mkdir on page 681
set port type wired-auth on page 100
set service-profile auth-fallthru on page 434
set web-portal on page 278