10 3Mâ„¢ MicroTouchâ„¢ Display C1500SS Installation Guide
3M Touch Systems Proprietary Information
Video Resolution on a Flat-Panel Display
Flat-panel displays, unlike CRTs, are optimized to run at one resolution. A flat-panel
display has discrete points on the display that determine the exact location of a pixel.
Each flat-panel display has an exact number of pixels associated with it. There is a one-
to-one mapping between the number of pixels and the video addressability, sometimes
called resolution.
Native Video Resolution
A flat-panel display should be used only at the resolution dictated by the number of
pixels on the panel. The C1500SS Display has 1024 pixels across the screen and 768
lines of pixels down the screen and can accurately display one resolution (1024 x 768) at
full screen.
Options for Using Other Video Resolutions
The 3M Touch Systems C1500SS Display supports all standard resolutions up to their
respective native resolution for display setup. Many video cards initially display a screen
image at the SVGA or VGA resolution. By supporting these resolutions, the display can
display the desktop controls that let you change to the optimal resolution of 1024 x 768.