Training your staff
A key element of any media loss prevention effort is a successful staff training program. Your system will be much more
effective with the active cooperation and participation of your entire library staff. We recommend that you periodically
conduct formal training sessions, including the following elements to ensure its success:
• Reviewing the owner’s manual
• Practice tagging materials with 3M™ Tattle-Tape™ Security Strips.
• Reviewing your library’s security policies
• Reviewing how to respond when the alarm sounds
• Using the system alarm log
• Addressing patron concerns
Owner’s manual
This manual contains the information necessary to operate your 3M Detection System, as well as supplemental information
on handling alarms, ordering supplies, and training your staff. It also contains important information about security strips
and circulation accessories.
Library personnel should be familiar with the manual and where to locate it so they can refer to it when necessary.
Hands-on practice
After reviewing this manual, your staff will benefit from actual hands-on experience with the detection system products they
are expected to use. We suggest you start by demonstrating the proper techniques for each stripping procedure. You may
wish to conduct the actual practice as follows:
1. Make sure that all the other 3M Library Systems products are installed and functional.
2. Let each staff member practice installing Tattle-Tape security strips and markers on library items.
3. Let each staff member practice sensitizing and desensitizing materials.
Review of your library’s security policies
Before practicing how to respond to alarms, staff should be familiar with the library’s security policies as they relate to theft of
materials. To help staff stay informed of security measures, your policy should be in writing and kept with your training kit
along with any other procedures you follow.
It is particularly important for staff members to know what procedures the library follows when theft is suspected or when it
is necessary to contact a local law enforcement agency.
A critical phase of staff training concerns the proper steps to take when the security system alarm sounds. The value of tact
and courtesy when handling this delicate situation cannot be overemphasized. Your staff members should receive as much
preparation as possible to make them feel comfortable. With the proper training, your staff will be more likely to effectively
deal with patrons who activate the alarm.
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