Narrow boxes
Worn drive belts
Top taping head does not apply
enough pressure
Top flap compression rollers in too
Taping head applying spring
holder missing
Taping head applying spring set
too high
Worn or missing friction rings
Drive belt tension too low
Electrical disconnect
Circuit breaker not at correct
Motor not turning
Machine's minimum height stop
does not match tape head leg
length setting
Worn belt
Upper ski down too far
Dry compression rollers
Dry column bearings
Defective column bearings
Check machine specifications.
Boxes are narrower than
recommended, causing slippage
and premature belt wear.
Replace drive belts
Adjust the box height adjustment
with the crank
Readjust compression rollers
Replace spring holder
Reduce spring pressure
Replace friction rings
Adjust belt tension
Check power and electrical plug
Set to correct current value
Evaluate problem and correct
Check manual to make sure
taping heads match machine
Replace belt
Carefully adjust upper ski
Lubricate compression rollers
Lubricate column bearings
Replace column bearings
Drive belts do not convey boxes
Drive belts do not turn
Upper and lower applying
mechanisms interfere with each
Drive belts break
Light boxes tip back on exit
Squeaking noise as boxes pass
through machine
The Troubleshooting Guide lists some possible machine problems, causes and corrections. Also see Section II
"Troubleshooting", pages 15 and 16 for taping head problems.
Troubleshooting Guide