Appendix B
ACGIH Clothing Corrections
ACGIH Clothing Corrections
The following clothing corrections are in degrees Celsius. When a clothing correction is
entered into the setup portion of the QUESTemp° 46, the value is added to the WBGT
only for looking up the stay times. The WBGT value displayed by the unit does not
reflect corrections.
Clothing correction (Addition to WBGT (ºC)
Work clothes (long sleeve shirt and pants)
Cloth (woven material) coveralls
Double-layer woven clothing
SMS polypropylene coveralls
Limited-use vapor-barrier coveralls
Cited from "American Conference of Governmental Industrial Hygienists - Threshold
Limit Values and Biological Exposure Indices for 2008"; Reprinted with permission from
United States Navy
Physiological Heat Exposure Limits (PHEL) Time Table
(Without the presence of fuel combustion gases/fuel vapors)
The recommended working hours are shown based on a maximum of eight hours.
Naval personnel will follow a category, I - VI, based upon their function.
PHEL Curves (Total Exposure Time in Hours: Minutes)