5.7 Remove the lapping film. Inspect the lapping film for fiber tracks. If the film has tracks, dispose of it. If not, restart
at step 5.1.
5.8 Dry the connector using a new lint-free wipe. Do not
use the same wipe used for stripping fiber. Fold the
wipe to provide cushion. For APC, tilt the connector
so the ferrule tip is in full contact with the wipe.
For UPC, hold the connector perpendicular to the
wipe. Press the ferrule tip into the wipe slightly
and move the tip in a circular motion. After the
connector has been dried, add 1 or 2 drops of alcohol
or cleaning fluid to a clean area of the wipe. Do not
mix water and alcohol or water and cleaning fluid
on the wipe. If too much alcohol or cleaning fluid
soaks the wipe, just use the edge of the wetted area.
Clean the connector by moving the tip in a small
circular motion. Then dry the connector with a spot
on the wipe that has not been used yet, and is not
contaminated with water, alcohol or cleaning fluid.
Use a small circular motion. Finish with a twisting
1. Dry off water
2. Clean with alcohol or
cleaning fl uid
3. Dry off alcohol or
cleaning fl uid & twist.