Upper and Lower Taping Heads - 2 Inch
- consists of:
Qty. Part Name
1 Taping Head Assembly
1 Tape Drum and Bracket Assembly
1 Hardware and Spare Parts Kit
1 Threading Tool
General Information
How to use this Manual
This instruction manual covers safety aspects, handling and transport, storage, unpacking, preparation, installa-
tion, operation, set-up and adjustments, technical and manufacturing specifi cations, maintenance, troubleshoot-
ing, repair work and servicing, electric diagrams, warranty information, disposal (ELV), a glossary with a defi nition
of symbols, plus a parts list 3M Industrial Adhesives and Tapes Division 3M Center, Bldg. 220-5E-06 St. Paul, MN
55144-1000 (USA) Edition February 2009/Copyright 3M 2009. All rights reserved The manufacturer reserves the
right to change the product at any time without notice Publication
© 3M 2009.
The manual is an important part of the machine; all information contained herein is intended to enable the equip-
ment to be maintained in perfect condition and operated safely. Ensure that the manual is available to all opera-
tors of this equipment and the manual is kept up to date with all subsequent amendments. Should the equipment
be sold or disposed of, please ensure that the manual is passed on with the machine.
Electrical and pneumatic diagrams are included in the manual. Equipment using PLC controls and/or electronic
components will include relevant schematics or programs in the enclosure (or will be delivered separately as
Keep the manual in a clean and dry place near the machine. Do not remove, tear or rewrite parts of the manual
for any reason. Use the manual without damaging it. However, if the manual has been lost or damaged, ask your
after sale service for a new copy (if it is possible, please have the manual name, part number, and revision infor-
mation and/or model/machine name, machine type, and serial number) that are located on the identifi cation plate
(For example: Model 700a - Type 39600 - Serial Number 13282).
All the important warning notes related to the operation of the machine are identifi ed by the symbol:
Updating the Manual
Modifi cations to the machine are subject to manufacturer's internal procedures. The user may receive pages or
parts of the manual which contain amendment made after its fi rst publication. The user must use them to update
this manual.
Taping Head Contents
AccuGlide 3 Taping Head - 2"
2009 February