Downloading Data
Data may be downloaded to a computer while the WIBGET monitor is logging without disruption of either activity. A menu driven program contained on the CD provides
the ability to manipulate and store data using a PC. Note: WIBGET temperature data is recorded in Celsius. If Fahrenheit readings are desired, press SELECT just prior to
downloading the data to the computer. To download data:
1. Turn on the WIBGET monitor.
2. Connect the WIBGET monitor to your computer via the serial interface cable provided.
3. Open the WIBGET Heat Stress Monitor Software program.
4. On the File tab, select Read WIBGET
5. A download menu will open. Select Download from this menu.
6. The WIBGET monitor will begin sending data. Once the download has been completed, exit the download menu. A table of data will now appear on the screen (similar
to the one shown in Table 1 below).
7. Use the other menu functions to analyze, save and print the data.
Upload Date: 2006/09/17 Time: 13.46
Desc: Sample
Record Number Time
Wet Bulb Dry
Globe WBGT
In Out
Metabolic - TWM
Test: 2006/09/17
Location: Floor CLO Value: 1.0 TWM: IN - 1 hour
2 11:12 16.7 21.6 38.0 23.1 21.4 0.0
3 11:17 19.4 27.4 49.8 28.5 26.3 0.0
4 11:22 19.6 27.7 51.9 29.3 26.9 0.0
5 11:27 19.9 27.8 52.3 29.6 27.2 0.0
6 11:32 19.6 27.3 51.4 29.1 26.7 0.0
7 11:37 19.6 27.6 51.4 29.2 26.8 0.0
8 11:42 19.6 27.5 51.3 29.1 26.8 28.5
9 11:47 19.6 27.5 50.8 28.9 26.6 29.0
10 11:52 19.5 27.3 50.9 28.9 26.5 29.0
11 11:57 19.4 27.2 50.6 28.8 26.4 29.0
12 12:02 19.3 27.1
50.5 28.7 26.3 28.9
13 12.07
19.5 27.2 51.2 29.0 26.6 28.9
14 12:12
19.5 27.4 51.2 29.0 26.6 28.9
15 12:17 19.3 27.3 51.2 20.9 26.5 28.8
16 12:22 19.5 27.3 50.8 20.9 26.5 28.9
17 12.27 19.5 27.3 51.0 28.9 26.6 28.9
18 12:32 19.4 27.6 51.2 28:9 26.6 28.9
19 12:37 19.4 27.4 50.7 28.8 26.4 28.9
20 12:42
19:6 27.7 51.3 29.1 26.7 28.9
21 12:47 19.4 97.4
51.1 28.9 26.5 28.9
22 12:52 19.5 27.4 51.2 29.0 26.6 29.0
23 12:57 19.5 27.5 50.9 29.9 26.5 29.0
24 13:02 19.6 27.6 51.2 29.0 26.7 29.0
25 13:07
19.6 27.8 51.5 29.2 26.8 29.0
26 13:12
19.6 28.0 51.3 29.1 26.8 0.0
27 13:17
19.5 27.8 51.5 29.1 26.7 0.0
28 13:22
10.7 27.9 51.7 29.3 26.9 0.0
29 13:27 19.4 27.3 51.4 29.0 26.6
30 13:32 19.3 27.3 51.2 28.9 26.5
31 13:37 19.4 27.5 51.4 29.0 26.6
Table 1 (Typical Printer/Screen Output)