3 Operating Instructions
3.1 Create login accounts
The Projector Image Tool requires a login name and password to launch the software. The Projector User
Administration Tool helps you to create new user accounts.
3.1.1 How to launch
Double Click “PJUsrEdit.exe” that is located on same folder that
you installed Projector Image Tool.
It automatically launches the Projector User Administration Tool,
if no user accounts are created yet. Also Projector Image Tool has
a short cut [File] [User Configuration] to launch Projector User
Administration Tool.
3.1.2 How to exit
Select [File] [Exit] from the menu or click [x] button of the top right corner. If the changes are made, you will be
required to confirm the changes.
3.1.3 Main Window
(1) Menu
Menu Sub Menu Description
File Save Save user data
Exit Exit
Edit Add New User Create new user
Change User Edit user account
Delete User Delete user account
(2) User List
The status in the User List is described below.
Row name Description
User Name Username (ID)
Description Comment
Man “●” shows that the user can access to the PJMan (Projector Management Application).
Ctrl “●” shows that the user can access to the PJCtrl (Projector Control Application).
Img ”●” shows that the user can access to the PJImg (Projector Image Tool).
FTP ”●” shows that the user can access to the PJTransfer (Projector File Transfer Tool).
User List
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