3M™ Drive-Thru Systems Model G5 and Model XT-1
Operating Instructions
November 6 2014 – Revision 2.1
Page 25 of 77
Haptics “Vibration” Alerts and Blue LED Alerts on Headsets
These options allow you to enable the G5 headset to
- Gently vibrate and/or
-Flash a Blue LED (at the tip of the mic boom)
when a vehicle is detected at the Order Point
These options are, by default, set to YES.
This option only applies to G5 headsets.
If you currently have no G5 headsets and only XT-1 headsets, then enabling or disabling
this option will not affect the normal functioning of the XT-1 headset.
Important Notes:
G5 Headsets are backward compatible with Basestation software versions 5.12 and lower,
however, the Blue LED Alert and Haptics “Vibration” feature will not be available on these
basestation software versions.
The Blue LED Alert and Haptics “Vibration” Alerts are only available in Basestation
software 6.x or greater.
In order to have this feature, you will need to conduct a Basestation software upgrade for
which you will need to purchase the following kit:
XT-1 Basestation Software Update Kit XT-1 78-6911-4957-5
The Software upgrade kit consists of :
-An installation CD (including the Install program , basestation software files, and
manuals) and the
- USB cable.
Haptics “Vibration” Alerts on Headsets
Perform the following procedure to enable or disable the Haptics “Vibration” Alerts
on the Headset upon a vehicle detect at the Order Point
• Enter the base station configuration mode, see page 11.
• Change the value for
07 Global Settings
Vibe Alerts on
Blue LED Alerts on Headsets
Perform the following procedure to enable or disable the Blue LED Alerts on the
Headset upon a vehicle detect at the Order Point
• Enter the base station configuration mode, see page 11.
• Change the value for
07 Global Settings
Blue LED
Alerts on Headsets
Order Taking Modes Setup
Perform the following procedure to enable or disable some of the seven different
order taking modes from appearing on the Run Menu:
• Enter the base station configuration mode, see page 11.
• Navigate to
09 O.T. Modes Setup
• Change the value for each of the following options to
• Manual Listen/Push To Talk
• Manual Listen/Manual Latching Talk
• Auto Listen/Push To Talk
• Auto Listen/Manual Latching Talk