
Example 4: Select 3
Radio Button
1. Click on Record
2. Press Z the Keyboard (Image G)
3. Click Stop to stop recording >> then click OK
4. It will bring you back to previous page (Image F)
5. Now click on Keystroke(Z), the one you just created
6. Select the Mouse Button (green icon) on the Mouse Image to your right to
store the Keystroke(Z).
7. Green icon will turn red once its been selected. (Image H)
8. Click OK
We have stored it in Mouse Button # 5.
Lets try it
l Press and hold your mouse button # 5.
In BF2(A Stratagem Game) , Keystroke (Z) means to hunker down
Did you see yourself stayed hunker down unless you dont re- press the
button #5 to Stop its automatic typing ?
l Try it on Word Document. Press and hold your mouse button #5. Did
you see the character ZZZZZZZZZ inputted consecutively unless you
dont re- press the button #5 to Stop its automatic typing ?If yes, you
Image G
Image H