Lighting the fire
Solid fuel burning
• On multifuel fires with variable grate setting facility set the grate to the "coal" burning position.
• Ensure that ash pan is in position and the fire door closed.
• Set the air wash to one quarter open position.
• Set the primary inlet to the fully open position (or the thermostat control knob to setting 8).
• Light in the normal manner with paper and kindling, or use a fire lighter.
• If using a gas poker be sure to remove it immediately the fire has started.
• When the fire is well alight regulate the burning rate by adjusting the setting on the primary air inlet control
or the thermostat.
• The air wash can be opened sufficiently to keep the door glass clean.
Wood burning
• Set the grate to the "Wood" burning position.
• Set air wash to fully open position
• Proceed as for solid fuel but note the fire will burn up and become established more quickly.
Mixed Fuels
• As per coal but allow additional secondary air
On fires fitted with an air wash and a manually controlled primary air inlet the air inlet can be closed, and
burning regulated by means of the air wash above the door. On models fitted with Thermostatic control the
amount of air entering the ash pit chamber can be reduced, and supplemented with over draught via the air wash.
Warning Boiler Models:
Do not light the fire if it is suspected that any part of the water system is frozen.
Note: The high temperature paint acquires durability by being "cured" during the initial firings of the
appliance. During this process the appliance will give off fumes which are non-toxic, but which certain
persons may find have an unpleasant or irritant effect. Ensure that the area is well ventilated during this time.
Alternatively carry out initial firings in an exterior environment prior to installation.
The appliance will burn easily overnight provided:
• Sufficient fuel is placed in the firebox.
• The controls are set correctly.
• Excess draught is not present in the chimney.
Solid Fuel
Manufactured smokeless fuel:
• Start with a fire that is burning well. De-ash the fire.
• Empty the ash pan if necessary.
• Place as much fuel in the appliance as possible without the stability of the fire being affected.
• Set the air wash on a low setting.
• Set the bottom inlet control to a minimum, or on models with thermostat set the control knob to a low setting.
In the morning
• Run with air inlet control fully open for about ten minutes.
• De-ash lightly. Re-fuel and empty the ash pan.
Anthracite is more difficult to keep in for long periods. Consequently more care in setting the controls and some
familiarisation is necessary when burning anthracite. Use the smallest size fuel (Stovesse or Small Nuts).
Proceed as for manufactured smokeless fuel.
Leave air inlet control open about a quarter or less (Thermostat setting 3).