
Model 480i SIP User Guide 16
How do I find the IP address
of my phone?
Instructions on where to Þnd
the IP address of your phone can
be found in this guide in the
Customizations on Your Phone
section under “Getting Started”.
How do I change my User
Password for the Aastra 480i
Web Client?
From the Aastra 480i Web
Client, click on “Password” in the
User” section in the side menu bar.
A new window will pop up.
Enter your current user name and
password into the user name and
password Þelds. By default, the
user name is “user” (all lowercase)
and the password Þeld is left blank.
Enter your current password and
the new password you would like
to use in the corresponding Þelds,
and then press the “Set Password
button. If you have forgotten your
password, contact your system
administrator for assistance. By
signing into the Aastra 480i Web
Client using the administrator
password, your administrator can
use the administrator password in
the “Current PasswordÞeld in
order to assign a new password
for you.
For information on how to access
the Aastra 480i Web Client, go to the
Customizing Your Phone” section
under “Getting Started” within this
guide. Administrators should refer
to the Aastra SIP 480i IP Phone
Administration Guide for details.