
Entering Dialing Restrictions
Dialing Restrictions are used to prevent certain numbers from being dialed out. There are
three codes (up to seven digits each) that can be programmed to prevent certain numbers
from being dialed. If you attempt to dial a number that matches the restricted digits, the
message, appears on the display. For example, if you entered the
codes below:
1st code> 0
2nd code>1
3rd code> 411
Any number beginning with 0, 1 or 411 could not be dialed from the telephone. However,
the number 555-0411 could be dialed because it does not begin with the restricted digits.
Important: Care must be taken when you are restricting numbers that start with 9. If you
enter 9, 91, or 911 as one of the dialing restrictions, you will not be able to
dial the emergency services number 911.
To enter Dialing Restrictions:
1. Press the Set Options key.
2. Use
ª to scroll to number 23 or press ¤‹ to go directly to the item.
3. Press
4. Enter the digits you want restricted and press
Repeat this step for each dialing restriction you want to enter.
5. Press ®.
To delete or change Dialing Restrictions:
1. Press the Set Options key.
2. Use
ª to scroll to number 23 or press ¤‹ to go directly to the item.
3. Press
4. Press
to back space and delete or change restricted digits.
5. Press
ß. Repeat steps 4 and 5 for the restricted digits that you want to delete.
6. Press ®.