
Replacement Parts and Accessories
Part Name Part Number Price
TV Antenna TVAnt $24.99
TV Remote RCD-TV $19.99
Power Supply PowSup9V $14.99
TV Battery-1200mHa (1 hr life) BattTV $29.99
TV Extended Life Battery (2.5 hr life)
Upgrade for a longer battery life
BattTV-ext $39.99
12V Car Charger Adapter CarChrg $19.99
Mounting Bracket MtBrack $24.99
To place an order:
Visit www.AccessHD.tv
or call 1-919-585-6435
Mailing Address Fax Number
7868 US Hwy 70, Suite C 1-919-550-3277
Clayton, NC 27520
AccessHD® 7” LCD Panel Television Rev: 09/2009
To begin watching this TV, you MUST do a channel
scan to search for available channels. For more
information on channel scans, see page 7.
The remote control is located in the
storage slot on the back of the television.