Advanced Reference GuideEtherHub 1500 System
Note: The on-board program only provides access to basic configuration functions. To
access the full range of SNMP mangement functions, you must use SNMP-based
network mangement software. Accton provides Windows-based SNMP software
called AccView/Open with this package. Note that AccView/Opens Hub Manager
module can be easily integrated into most third-party management platforms.
Starting the Configuration Program
Insert the distribution diskette provided with your EtherHub-16mi
into the PC's
floppy drive.Then activate the EtherHub 1500 System Configuration Program
as described below.
Note: 1. When using a PCMCIA modem connection, add the following entry to your
config.sys file: device=cardtalk.sys /A /Com3IRQ=4. If your PC has a PCMCIA
modem or multi-I/O card, set the proper IRQ by typing "EH15SCP/i [irq #]".
2. Help is available by entering "EH15SCP/?".
3. This program can only run under DOS, or in Windows DOS shell.
1. Type "EH15SCP" at the DOS prompt C:\>EH15SCP. Using arrow keys, select
the communication port on the workstation that is connected to the hub.
2. Select the appropriate option from the DCE/DTE dialog box:
Terminal Channel for local hookup, or Modem Channel for remote connection.
3. If setting up a remote connection via modems:
Select Modem Channel to open the Phone List menu as shown below, and
enter the phone number and press [Enter] to start the dialing mechanism.
Once the connection is established, the main menu for out-of-band
configuration appears as shown below.
Using Configuration Program
The EtherHub 1500 System Configuration Program allows you to define
system parameters, manage and control stacked hubs and associated ports,
set threshold levels, and monitor network conditions. The following table
briefly describes the menu selections available for this program.
uneM noitpircseD
-noitarugifnoCevaS .noissestnerrucehtgnirudedamsegnahcnoitarugifnocehtsevaS
-troppukcaB retsamasniatnocriaphcaE.stroppukcabfosriap3otpusteS
-nottubhsuP .esudezirohtuanutneverpotnottuberugifnoCselbasid/selbanE
ecnamrofreP otuoyswollanoitcelessihT.troPdnabuH,tnemgeS,metsyS-sunem-bus4sedivorP