Fast SwitcHub-2se User’s Guide
3-4 Hardware Reference
Statistical Display for System Performance
(Utilization, Forward, Filter & Collision Display Mode)
Port 1
Port 2
Color: Green and Orange
Active LEDs: LED rows labeled
1 and 2
(which indicate the status of Port 1 and Port 2 respectively
Function: Indicates a functional value for each port depending on the selected
display mode. (Refer to the
Configure Button section earlier in this
chapter for instructions on how to select the display mode.)
Label (%) Color Indication
90+ Orange
Util% Display Mode - The utilization percentage
70 Orange of LAN bandwidth.
50 Orange
Forward% Display Mode - The percentage of packets
35 Green that are forwarded to another port.
20 Green
Filter% Display Mode - The percentage of packets
10 Green filtered because destination is in the current segment.
5 Green
Coll% Display Mode - The percentage of collisions
1 Green occurring out of the total packets transmitted by the port.
Utilization Display Mode - (Util%) The statistical indicators show the percentage of valid
data passing through each port compared to overall network bandwidth (updated
every 0.5 seconds). There are 8 LEDs representing the percentage of network
utilization. The corresponding LEDs light up to show that the utilization of LAN
bandwidth has reached this percentage. When active, these LEDs behave like a
stereo’s equalizer display.